15 Easy Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring is almost here and so is cleaning! But let’s be honest, we all want to do a Spring Clean but it’s so daunting ..the idea of tackling everything all at one time. So make it a little easier. Set some goals and make it fun. I will show you 15 Easy Spring Cleaning Tips that will definitely get the job done!
While spring cleaning is one of those things we all like to do, sometimes it is also the time of year of change in our home. We can often feel that sudden urge to move home, relocate to a new city, and create these fresh beginnings. It is sort of spring clean in your life. Spring is often the perfect time to move home as well as create new beginnings in your existing one. Speaking of moving, over the years, I have had to carefully search and hire moving companies. I am a seasoned cross country nomad of sorts, having moved three times, Connecticut, Ohio, Arizona. The last move was my last I will not be moving anymore. It’s way too much work.
If you are ever looking for moving companies then you need to find the ones that suit you best. Some will pack up your home for you. Others will just move your items for you. This is also the ideal time to declutter and get things straight in your home.
It’s time to open our windows let the fresh air in. Preparing it outside it’s just as much a Spring event as it is inside.
But that’s for another topic. I’m always looking ahead and then I’m overwhelmed. So let me step back into the inside and bring us back to preparing for spring cleaning and decorating.
However, before we can bring Spring indoors. We have the ominous task of Spring Cleaning. I see that face you are making, I make the same one. Yuck, you say “do I have too”?
Spring Cleaning seems to be on everyone’s mind this time of year. I am sure you have seen tons of articles, how to’s, and videos outlining the tips to Spring cleaning.
Most of the time these are great and they all have their pros and cons. Some are simple, others are very detailed. Sometimes it depends on what you want out of your Spring cleaning.
Spring cleaning is a great way to get a fresh start on the new season. It can be hard to get your house in order, but if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish it. The best part about Spring cleaning is that once you’re done, you don’t have to deal with cleaning that area again at least till Winter!
Spring is here and so is cleaning! But lets be honest, we all want to do a Spring clean but its so daunting the idea of tackling everything all at one time. So make it a little easier. Set some goals and make it fun.
Well if you ask me, I would say that for me personally, I like to take a very Regimented approach when it comes to doing my Spring cleaning. (Must be my Time in the Military). This way I am able to get it done in as little amount of time as possible with you getting a great outcome.
Here are some Common Questions I get Asked:
Do I Really Need To Spring Clean?
I would have to say, in today’s climate I would feel it is more important now more than ever.
Medically speaking, it will help you avoid allergy symptoms Removing allergens from the home will certainly make you feel healthier.
When Should I Start Spring Cleaning?
I know Spring officially begins March 20, there is no one “official” day to begin your spring cleaning routine.
A lot of it depends on your local weather.
There is nothing written in Stone, but plan so that it will be done in time that you will be enjoying your outdoor space without worrying about “not getting the Spring Cleaning done”.
How Do I Prepare For Cleaning?
- Pull out some comfy clothes (the kind that you don’t mind getting dirty).
- Play some music (get some jammin music going) or listen to an audiobook.
- Stay hydrated-Keep a bottle of water on hand.
Know your plan of action (for me I start in the least used rooms and work my way to the epicenter, LOL. I just love that word!) Do what makes sense in your home and that you are comfortable with.
I Always know:
o What I am Going to Use
o Where I Use Them
o How I will use Them
So here are my TOP TIPS to getting Spring cleaning done quickly and efficiently.
Make a List
Always have a list of the rooms and the task at hand to simplify your chores. There is nothing worse than having to go back into a room that you have forgotten to clean certain areas.
A list will keep you staying focused. There are several printable ones on Pinterest and Etsy or you can create your own.
When you walk out of a room it should be completely done.
Timing is Everything
I don’t know about you, but I know for me, I want to get the Spring cleaning done as quickly as possible without compromising cleanliness and organization.
Set a time goal and try to accomplish it. But if you don’t, in the next room you will probably do just a little bit better. Kind of like a game.
Start by taking a basket with you and garbage bags. As you go into each room:
- Entering the room look around and see what is out of place place that in the basket
- Take another quick look at things that belong in other rooms
- Remove any trash
In doing the trash …. It will be your last task of Spring cleaning.
This process is considered purging so you might want to have a designated area with boxes that say:
Clean the Worst First
My motto is get the worst done first of each room and then move on from there. It will make the remainder of the cleaning seem like a cakewalk.
Top To Bottom/Left To Right
I read this somewhere and started to use this method. I will admit that it takes some practice. It requires a little bit of concentration but then it becomes a system.
What this means is you clean from the top to the bottom and divide each room into sections for easier cleaning.
Cleaning shelves, cabinets, and the top of your refrigerator spreads dust to countertops and floors, which you’ll clean next.
This solution is so to not retrace steps.
NOTE: Clean each section before moving onto the next section
Dishwasher is Your Helper
Fill your dishwasher while you are cleaning. You can put things in there such as, plastic glasses, soap dishes, toothbrush holders, children’s non-battery operated plastic toys. Any that have loose parts to them I would not recommend putting in the dishwasher.
Microwave Clean
Here’s What You’ll Need
- Microwave-safe glass bowl or 2-cup glass measuring cup
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
- Several lemon or lime slices or lemon/lime juice
- Toothpick or wooden spoon
- Sponge
- Dish soap
- Paper towel
Clean the Interior:
- Add water, vinegar, and citrus to a microwave safe bowl or measuring cup. The citrus fruit will help to deodorize as well as loosen grime and food bits.
- Place the bowl or measuring cup in the microwave. Add a wooden spoon or a toothpick to the bowl. This is a precautionary step to prevent the mixture from superheating and exploding.
- Run your microwave for five minutes, allowing the mixture to reach a boil and release steam. Once the time is up, allow the bowl to sit in the microwave with the door closed for another five minutes.
- Using oven mitts, carefully remove the bowl or measuring cup from the microwave.
- Remove the turntable from the microwave and hand wash it using dish soap, warm water, and a sponge.
- Using a damp sponge, wipe down the interior walls of the microwave (don’t forget the ceiling!) and the inside of the door. If the microwave still feels greasy, dip the sponge back into the vinegar mixture and give it another wipe.
- Give the microwave a final wipe down using a dry paper towel and lock the turntable back into place.
Lighting in Each Room
Spring Cleaning Printable Checklist
These come in Assorted Color Choices.
1). You can Print these checklists out onto Stock paper (either at home or at your local Office Max).
2). Once it is printed out you can have it laminated for around $1.25 per page and you will have it ready to go every year.
3). Purchase a pack of assorted dry erase pens.
Home Safety First!
This is a Great Time for Home Safety.
When I lived in Arizona, April 1st was the big push for Home Safety. The Fire Department came into our community checking our smoke alarms and replacing as needed at no cost. In addition to that they also checked your carbon monoxide detector. So if you’re not in an area that does that, unfortunately, that task becomes yours and your loved ones.
In my Home I have several of the KIDDE Combo Pack. They seem to be working fine. I hope I never hear them going off…..
- Check and Replace or Battery Change
- Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
Go ahead and replace the batteries. If you don’t have smoke detectors in your home, GET THEM NOW.
If you have elderly family members, take a few minutes out of a day and go and check theirs. You could be saving their lives.
Emergency Evacuation Plan
Devise a Family Emergency Plan (this is a Matter of Life or Death)
Establish a family emergency plan of where to meet in case of an emergency. We have a tree in our front yard that is our meeting place and it is out of the way of our driveway.
Discuss with everyone in your family where to meet and the best escape routes. Practice this plan with your family.
What Do I Need To Get Started
Be Prepared To Clean
Have the right equipment and products beforehand this will help prevent you from becoming distracted, if you suddenly realize you don’t have ???
Supplies Are Necessary
I am a creature of habit and set in my ways so I don’t have to give this much thought. I always know exactly which Cleaning Supplies I Want to use. I keep them all together in a in a Plastic Carrying Tote in my Cleaning Closet. “Grab & Go”.
Here Are a Few Things You Will Need
My Thoughts:
Cleaning rags (I prefer microfiber). I also Keep a few dry cloths or paper towels (for windows and
Steam Mop (I have this steam mop (which I have used for Years). It is so simple to use you just put a washable pad on it and add water to the reservoir press the button and Voila… you are a cleaning machine! LOL
Note: I have several types of flooring so it requires me to use several types of mops.
I also use a Microfiber Mop and it is the same principle as the electric mop. Just add a microfiber cloth wash your floors, remove it throw it in the washing machine with your every day laundry and it is good to go for the next time.
My Cleaning Products Recommendations
Spa Time
After I have completed the tasks I treat myself to Spa Time with a nice bubble bath and glass of wine. I sit back and admire my home as if I have seen it for the first time. You kind of “fall in love all over again, with your humble abode”. I know I do. I hope you will too.
I hope you found these tips helpful and it has given you useful information to know that “You Can Do This”.
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