Life on Sylvan Lane
Thanks for joining me today. As you all know I am updating my Master Bedroom. Actually, what I should say is I’m going to really move into it now. I moved into this home in November 2018. It seems all I did was place the furniture, fill rooms and tell myself this is okay. Have many of you all done same?
Well, as we see it is not OK. I’m now trying to make a house a home. One that reflects my style and taste. Looking at the Master Bedroom with an attached Master Closet, I realize I have to tackle both at the same time. I’m not new to designing a closet, my previous homes closet was quite a challenge and I worked through it. This Walk-In closet, with wire mesh (not very sturdy) is not working and I know I need do something. I might also add it is the entryway to the attic so I have an attic space door in the ceiling.
My dream Closet would be having a beautiful chandelier in the center. In this case if I do chandeliers they will be petite and on either side of the closet. Although my walk-in closet is not as grand as walk-in wardrobes (sigh) I am not complaining.
So at this point I am in the beginning stages of preparing for my Installers to install my new closet. The preparation, is not quick, simple nor easy. Did you ever notice every time we do one thing it entails several other more tedious and unpleasant tasks at hand. So I am in preparation of you guessed it, purging the closet and I will refer back to the previous posts about preparing the bedroom for the update, purging is the key. Not at all fun but necessary.
What are my clothing/closet priorities? Good question.
No clue! COZY & PRETTY oh I almost forgot FUNCTIONAL.
Well I guess I have to sit down and make a priority list. It will be very similar to the list that we used for updating the bedroom.
List every single item you need or want. When budgeting be realistic.
Always add 10% overage on anything you are given for a quote. It is for when the unforeseen happens and it cost extra money.
Several years ago I read the Marie Kondo book on her method of cleaning organizing etc. After reading it I was so excited I decided to do the whole house. It didn’t happen overnight but it did happen. I followed her rules and suggestions and it was exhilarating and calming after a lot of CHAOS! I stepped back and looked at my accomplishment, feeling very proud.
“If an object brings you joy. KEEP. If it does you keep it and if it doesn’t you get rid of it (toss, donate, yard sale it)”.
Marie Kondo
So I’m gonna give it to you in a nut shell……
None of that talk with yourself; “what if it comes back in style next year, I always loved those shoes, oh I remember when I wore this dress in 2000”. LOL.
Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter you almost go into inspiration overload. Be careful, it is addicting. One very important thing to be looking for is that the rooms you look at have similarities to yours (i.e. size, shape, doors, windows).
As usual I use Pinterest for my “Dream Closet”...
Planning takes time, right now we have a lot of that. So if you are in the same position as I am looking to update your master closet I am hoping these tips will help you as well.
Drawing out the floor plan, using their tools. Using what is in my closet right now as a gauge to what kind of drawers, shelves, hanging etc. I will need.
When looking at your storage elements, look at everything, so that downstream you didn’t realize that you forgot the smallest thing like the jewelry storage or individual slots for socks/bras. When you want to add those things after the fact they become costly. My theory is one and done. Look at it once figure it out and then you’re done.
Seriously, you can do this!
So I will leave you at that…I have to get busy here and Purge, Purge, Purge!
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