Easy Home Organizing Tips
Hello Friend, are you wanting to start Organizing your Home but don’t know where to begin? You are in the right place you are about to get some of my Quick and Easy Ways to Accomplish Organizing your Home and Easy Steps to get you Started.
Another New Year, many resolutions and the looming question is, will we accomplish what we set out to do like getting our house neat and tidy and organized.
I hear you…”There are so many rooms, I can’t do it” . It’s hard to get started I get it.
Organizing is a process. So I sat down and thought I would share some “easy to follow and accomplish” tips that I use (after a lot of trial and error ).
Grab your favorite beverage, sit back and get your “game face” on cause you are about to be an Organizing Queen” You’ve got this!
Here are some Easy Tips to get started in 2023 on that Home Organizing that you can use to help declutter and streamline your spaces.
Make a plan and set goals:
Start by determining what areas of your home need the most attention and organization. Set specific goals for what you want to accomplish in each area.
One thing at a time: Focus on decluttering and organizing one room or one area at a time. Rather than trying to tackle your entire space all at once.
Assess the entire space…this is a process and a lot of it will be trial and error. What you are comfortable with, what, you feel works for you and having a goal in mind. Start small, don’t try doing your organizing all in one day it took many days to get on organize so it’s not gonna be quick and easy.
Sort and Purge
It is very easy to think we need to get it all done in one day. The reality is that our homes don’t get cluttered in one day and it takes more than one day to get it decluttered and organized. So do yourself a favor and don’t try to do everything in one day.It is very easy to think we need to get it all done in one day. The reality is that our homes don’t get cluttered in one day and it takes more than one day to get it decluttered and organized. So do yourself a favor and don’t try to do everything in one day.
Go through each area and sort items into piles of things to keep, things to donate or sell, and things to throw away. Get rid of anything you no longer need or use.
If you are contemplating selling your items and you are going to use Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, anything of that nature, a good rule of thumb is true no try to get what you think you paid for it but pricing yet add a price that you would pay if you were buying it. Try to remove the emotional attachment.It is very easy to think we need to get it all done in one day. The reality is that our homes don’t get cluttered in one day and it takes more than one day to get it decluttered and organized. So do yourself a favor and don’t try to do everything in one day. may have to the item.
What is the expression… “One Person’s Trash is another Person’s Treasure”.
Once you’ve decluttered, use storage solutions like shelves, drawers, and containers s to keep items organized and easily accessible.
You can start small using containers and without it being costly.
A Economical and Good Place to start are places like ALDIs, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and even Local Thrift Stores.
The object is to corral like items together, but most importantly is to know where they are, and in a logical place in order for you to find and more importantly, to return the item to its home.
Here are some of my “go to” organizing containers that work really well. There are a gazillion more to choose from, tailored to your needs.
What’s Next?
Be Vigilant…
Regularly maintain the organization by set up a schedule to periodically go through the items and adjust as necessary and make sure the clutter doesn’t pile up again.
Maintaining your organizing efforts is key to keeping your space tidy and stress-free. Set aside a few minutes each day to tidy up, putting things back where they belong. Make it a habit to declutter regularly, letting go of items you no longer need or use. Keep your systems flexible, adjusting them as your needs change, and celebrate your progress along the way! With a little consistency and a positive attitude, you’ll keep your space organized effortlessly.
Learn the 10-Minute Rule
Whether it’s clearing a cluttered countertop or sorting through a pile of papers, committing to just 10 minutes a day can lead to significant improvements over time. It’s a great way to maintain momentum and keep your space organized without taking up too much time at once.
Vertical Space
Make use of vertical space is usually unused space in our homes.
We often think buying bins will help with storage problems, and while bins can corral your stuff, if it has to still sit on the floor, what good does that do?
Spend your money on vertical storage like shelving, pegboard, or slat wall instead. Even one shelf can double your horizontal square footage. Installing shelving enables us to use every inch of vertical space –you won’t have anymore stuff on the floor! Ya!
Use what works for the size of the space and area. Don’t over crowd any one particular area. Keep in mind “less is best”.
Choosing Your Decor
Of course, a well-organized home doesn’t have to be an empty one. Now that you have more space available to store things, you should work out what you want to display and what to hide away. While you don’t want to crowd every surface with stuff, even if it’s pretty stuff, it’s still nice to have a few things out on the side.
Small houseplants are a good option, although if you’re keeping them on the counter, make sure you reduce any mess while watering or potting.
if you don’t have a green thumb, there are many beautiful and real like faux plants in pots ready to display.
Decor can also work well, but a few well-thought-out decor are better than loads of clutter that you have to keep clean.
Finally, some things are pretty and practical. Coasters protect your furniture and it’s always good to have a few where people can access them. You can also have a candle or reed diffuser out for some nice home fragrance options.
Remember the #1 Design Rule: “Less is Best”
To Wrap It Up
Now you have the tools to start that home organizing task. You have learned about ways of Decluttering and Simple Ways to use all of your Space efficiently.
In conclusion, organizing doesn’t have to be daunting. With a positive mindset and small, consistent efforts, you can transform your space into a clutter-free haven. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small, so celebrate your victories along the way. Stay motivated, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support or inspiration whenever you need it. You’ve got this!
Before You Go
I want to also say how much I appreciate your ongoing support and readership – you’re not just a reader, but a valued friend on my blogging journey! Your input means the world to me, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below the post.
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