
Quick How to Create a Home Office

Working from Home is here to Stay. Puzzled as where to begin? We’ve come up with a quick list of essentials to create an organized, workable home office. This is geared to affordable budgets. We will start at the beginning and take you every step of the way with our Quick How to Create a Home Office.

While you may think Creating a workable space means only setting it up so you can find what you need without even thinking about it. It is not just pretty furniture and other items it begins with Tools you need to be productive.



Creating a workable space means setting it up so you can find what you need without even thinking about it.
Small items like pencil holders, clip holders and paper trays may feel like charming extras, but they’re actually essentials to keeping you productive.  

Tip: Bring in Some Green…potted plants it doesn’t have to be big, try a Succulent. These do not require a lot of attention.  It is said a natural elements  helps with our stress and even our moods. 

The City Cottage is updating and refreshing the Home Office. Above are some of the items I have chosen now and in the past.   I recommend these items based on affordability, durability and usefulness.   


Sylvan B4Office
Sylvan Office Done

Retention Filing

This is in the area whether you are working from home or just running a household, keeping copies and records are an important and key aspect for a Home and Office.

Smart and effective solutions don’t just help your organization—they also help you keep a clutter-free desk that will help with your productivity. Not sure where to store it all? 

Let’s start by creating a filing system now: 

Girl Filing overworked

Try file folders in various colors and keep important papers in binders for easy reference.  I am drawn to pink so you guessed it, the NEW office will have its share.

If you don’t have a designated Office find a portable place to put any file folders, notebooks, and papers. 

I have used in the past and currently several different things for filing.

My favorite is a portable leather file carrier. It holds about 25 files. It’s stylish and yet efficient. 

Another favorite is an affordable and simple filing system is plastic file bins that are very inexpensive but efficient.

Also, Closet organizers, photo boxes, and even shoe boxes can work in a pinch.

These solutions will help you to successfully achieve the best outcome. I believe STORAGE is the KEY Element in being Organized and keeping your Office Area tidy. 

How To Set Up a Filing System

Setting up a simple filing system in your home office can help you stay organized and easily locate important documents. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started:

1. Assess your needs: Begin by evaluating the types of documents you handle regularly and determine the categories that make the most sense for your filing system. Common categories include bills, receipts, medical records, insurance documents, and personal files.

2. Gather necessary supplies: Collect essential supplies such as file folders, hanging files, a filing cabinet or file box, labels, and a marker or pen.

3. Sort and purge: Start by gathering all your documents and sort them into broad categories based on your needs. As you sort, discard any unnecessary or outdated papers to reduce clutter.

4. Establish main categories: Once you have sorted your documents, create your main categories. For example, you might have folders labeled “Financial,” “Medical,” “Household,” and “Personal.” Keep the number of main categories manageable and intuitive for easy retrieval.

5. Subdivide into subcategories: Within each main category, you can further divide your documents into subcategories. For instance, within the “Financial” category, you may have subcategories such as “Bank Statements,” “Tax Documents,” or “Credit Card Statements.” Customize the subcategories to suit your specific needs.

6. Label your folders: Use clear and concise labels for your folders to ensure easy identification. Clearly mark both the tabs of the file folders and the hanging files if you’re using a filing cabinet. Use a consistent naming convention and consider color-coding for visual organization.

7. Arrange your filing system: Place the labeled file folders into the hanging files within the filing cabinet or file box. Arrange the files in a logical order, such as alphabetical or chronological, depending on your preference and needs.

8. Implement a retrieval system: Create an index or key to help you locate files quickly. It can be a separate sheet or a digital document listing the main categories and their corresponding subcategories.

9. Regular maintenance: Set aside time periodically to maintain your filing system. Remove outdated or irrelevant documents, reorganize folders as needed, and ensure new documents are filed promptly.

10. Backup and digitalize: Consider creating digital backups of important documents by scanning them and storing them securely on your computer or cloud storage. This can provide an additional layer of protection and easier access to your files.

Remember, the goal of a filing system is to simplify your life and make it easier to find what you need. Tailor your system to suit your specific preferences and adjust as necessary over time. Happy organizing!

Why is Storage Important 

Smart and effective solutions don’t just help your organization—they also help you keep a clutter-free desk that will help with your productivity.

Supplies Are Needed


Pens, Pencils, Notebooks- Sure, it seems obvious—but you never seem to realize you don’t have a pen until you need a pen. Stock your organizers with pens and pencils, and get a few fresh notebooks to write down the details of your day—taking notes will help keep your mind organized (and less stressed).

Nice Extra’s

Pottery Barn Wall

Corkboards + Magnetic Boards + Peg Board

Keeping Important Telephone Numbers handy. 

Wall Calendar and Schedules readily visible helps lower the stress of “Missing” something. I am infamous for this issue.

It is good practice for quick reference information at hand. 


If you already use this system, what do you put on your corkboard magnetic board etc. we love “NEW” Ideas…

L👀k Something “”FREE”

Get your “FREE” Quick Office Supplies Checklist. Get Started TODAY Getting that New Home Office all Set Up. 

In Conclusion

Staying Healthy is IMPORTANT 

  1. Set boundaries on your workday. Set a “start” and “end” time, and do your best to stick to it, shutting down your computer.
  2. Take breaks. Even just a small, five-minute break to connect with those around you can help you to feel less overwhelmed.
  3. If you have small children, consider activities that they can do at or near your desk to help them feel connected to you, such as coloring, puzzles or even reading a book.
  4. Go easy on yourself. Sometimes this WFH is a new situation that you may not be prepared for. It is all trial and error.  

What’s Next

This is the 1st Guide of the Upcoming Series:

Easy Setting Up Home Office Guides

Please follow along for Affordable and Easy to Maintain NEW Home Office Tips. 

I want to also say how much I appreciate your ongoing support and readership – you’re not just a reader, but a valued friend on my blogging journey! Your input means the world to me, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below the post. 

Are you already a subscriber of The City Cottage? If not, sign up below to exclusive access to The Vault, filled with loads of organizing and home decorating + so much more! We are continually adding to it!

Until next time….. 

The City Cottage Office
Office McDowell
Home Office Desk Decor amazon


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Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use my self and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you I may earn a small commission. Read our full affiliate disclosure and privacy policy.

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