Self Care is something we all should be doing on at least a weekly basis.
I know it seems hard to even think about it much least accomplish it.
With allowing yourself to provide some sort of self care it is beneficial not only to yourself but others around you.
There are a number of ways, and reasons, to take care of ourselves!
It is not an indulgence or selfish to engage in an act of self-care. Our Body, Mind and Spirit need regeneration and replenishment. These little breaks allow us to feel and be our best. Has it been so long since you gave yourself permission to have some self-care time….

I have some time-wise suggestions below. It is like my Daily, Weekly or Monthly Self-Care Planner..
I hope it will encourage and help you to get excited about “feeling good about feeling good”.
Leave me comments on some of the ways you, “Take Care of You”. I would love to hear from you 💕 Give yourself the gift of love….

Thanks again for being a part of The City Cottage family. I love when we can visit together.
Until next time….
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