Are our kids smart with money? Probably not! I know I wasn’t without a Very, Very Smart Man’s Help…
I remember a long, long time ago in a land where I was a very small child and in our Small Town School we were exposed to having a Passbook Savings Account. [Say What???].
That was back in the day when everything was paper today its so much simpler and it gives a child a taste of responsibility. We don’t really know it at the time but it is laying the groundwork for adulthood.
My Father gave me $10 every week to put in the savings account. I don’t remember what grade we started out but much to my surprise when I graduated I had a couple $1,000 $$$$. Yipee….
So speaking from experience firsthand, I believe Children’s Savings Accounts are a great way to teach smart money habits early on.
This will aid in make sure our kids grow into financially responsible adults.
Some of the best gifts and lessons parents can give to their children are money management skills, financial responsibility, and the importance of preparing for their future.
Give your kids the gift of a savings account and teach them about money management.
Did you know……
Every year, one day in April—April 22—is designated as Teach Children to Save Day, a day that is all about helping kids become smart about money from an early age.1 But every day should be devoted to that if you have kids in your life.
And talking with other parents I thought I would share some of their ways of introducing savings and the importance of preparing for the future. The money is the first step but knowledge is power!
Here are a few of the books they have been sharing with their children and having great success.
Do you remember how you saved money when you were a kid?
For me, it was that silly looking “pink” Pig. Did you have one also?
Today it’s not so fancy, it a Large clear Glass Container. Still accomplishes the same outcome..SAVING.
Well, guess what? According to statistics, this is the same method today.
It’s an very easy way to build their excitement about saving,
Through the eyes of your child watch their money grow and pile up.
I also have a friend who shared with me that they have “game night” every Saturday with their children and they have added a NEW Game called, ALLOWANCE.
She tells me the kids can’t wait to play and they are so proud when they bring out their Piggy Banks and “give them a hearty” SHAKE.
I was over on Etsy and many Sellers have really cool colorings, stories Etc. That is another good source for entertaining and learning.
Teaching your kids about money is one of the most important things you can do for them. It’s not just about budgeting and saving, but also helping them understand how to value money and make responsible decisions with their finances.
By talking to our kids about money, you can help set them up for a bright financial future. They will “Thank You” later on, I can guarentee you that. I know I did with my Father and Mother when I graduated high school and had a nice Nest Egg. 🤩
I hope this post has enlightened you and your families knowledge on ways of Saving for our and our Children’s future.
“1 Day at a Time and 1 Penny A Day …. does make a DIFFERENCE”!
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