
Colors of 2021: Dive into Colorful Living

Are you contemplating painting a room, but have no clue what color to choose?

I want to share some info that I am really excited  about. Any time things are FREE I get …you guessed it, I get excited! I hope you’ll sit back and enjoy the reading and I will be bringing  you some FREE things also…… but you have to keep reading…  

I was excited and wanted  to share some FREE things with you.    I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love somethings free. With all this time on our hands, I thought we could learn about something new and get something FREE out of it.  So here you have it, as promised

Colors Of The Year

Have you ever asked what does that mean and why do we need to know that or even how is that chosen?  Well, I am glad you asked

The announcement of “Colors of the Year” in the Paint World  usually refers to a selection made by various paint companies or industry experts. These colors are chosen to represent current trends.  The chosen Color of the Year is a way to inspire and guide consumers in their interior and exterior design choices.

How are these color selections determined? They are usually influenced by a variety of factors, including fashion, art, global events, and the overall mood and atmosphere the colors are believed to evoke.

FALLINGWATERS Design Colors for 2021

Imagine this: a stunning architectural masterpiece nestled in the lush landscapes of Pennsylvania. It’s called Fallingwater, and it’s the creation of the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Now, picture this iconic structure inspiring the Colors of the Year in 2021. Wright’s genius and the hues that echoed through Fallingwaters are a true inspiration.  Let’s take a colorful journey into art and architecture! 

 Guess what – I’ve been to Fallingwater, that architectural gem in our state! And get this, my work at the architectural company has me fascinated by Frank Lloyd Wright’s design techniques, including those that shaped Fallingwater.
Ready to explore more about this local marvel and the fascinating world of architecture? I could go on for hours about the many different architectural elements he used in his designs……. gravity and relativity were his biggest accomplishment in this design.

Furniture Landscape

Having background and working for a structural steel company in Pittsburgh, in my past life, I learned a lot about architecture, style and design.

I feel truly blessed to have, within a short driving distance, one of the worlds renowned Architects’ Organic designed home in Farmington, PA.  He did not use just one design in his structures, he used a variety: Organic, Arts & Craft and Modern.  Organic Elements: Wood, Stone, Metal, Glass And Nature. These all were his best friend when he designed this home. 
if you get a chance, read a little about it.  View: 
I bet you’re wondering what is all this about?  Well, his color palettes from this 1935 home are a trend that is coming back into style in 2021.
Falling Waters

2021 Color Palette (PPG)

Colour Palette

Quote from PPG…..
Recognized world-.wide as one of the greatest architects of the twentieth century, Wright (1867-1959) used innovation in design and engineering made possible by newly developed technology and materials. His creative ability extended far beyond the border of architecture to graphic design, furniture, art glass, textiles, and decorative products for the home. Explore how Wright used color in his designs with PPG’s specially curated palettes.                            

Where’s The FREE Stuff

Who is PPG you might ask? PPG Paints being chosen for the Color of the Year 2021 is a testament to their expertise in color and quality. While you can find paint at Lowe’s, Home Depot and other retailers choosing PPG ensures you’re getting a brand recognized for innovation, durability, and a wide range of beautiful colors. It’s like getting a piece of that expert touch for your home projects. Ready to hear about the Free Stuff? 

Free EXPERT Color Consultation

Office Work

Color Consultation 

Choose your colors and we send you paint swatches to view in your space. View (Free Color Swatch) 

Virtual Room Painter Tool

With the launch of our new virtual room painter tool, we have enabled anyone searching for the perfect color to try paint colors and palettes without visiting a paint store or lifting a brush.

Test colors faster thanks to intuitive “edge-detect” functionality, which quickly and automatically finds and maps the ends of a wall within a photo.


Some more exciting tools at PPG is “Play The Color Game”.

What color do you feel?

Their unique 5-color combinations provide color opportunities for walls, trim, accent areas and home décor (furniture, pillows, window treatments, flooring). After finishing the game, you’ll have a starting point for designing your entire space around your personality, your style, and your own five senses.


Discovering the Color of the Year 2021, inspired by Fallingwater and brought to life by PPG Paints, is like unlocking a vibrant palette for your home. It’s not just paint; it’s a brushstroke of quality and innovation. We have shared ways to Elevate your space with colors that echo the essence of Fallingwater.
Ready to transform your space? Painting is like giving your home a fresh breath of personality. Embrace the colors that resonate with you, and let the brush be your guide to a vibrant, inspiring living space. Dive in, and watch your home come alive with a touch of paint magic!
“Happy Painting”, my Friend… You Got This!

I would to take this opportunity to also say how much I appreciate your ongoing support and readership – you’re not just a reader, but a valued friend on my blogging journey! Your input means the world to me, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below the post.
Thank you for being a part of The City Cottage Family.

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Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use my self and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you I may earn a small commission. Read our full affiliate disclosure and privacy policy.

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