Hoping that you all are well and we are all getting anxious for some Spring like weather. I know I sure am…
So, I am about to change my style (Shabby Chic) in my Master Bedroom to French Farmhouse. My new favorite Style…. I thought I would share the process I use to do this.
As I am redoing my Master Bedroom and I am currently right at this point…Budget and List. For me, I always see what I can part with and it goes on my List called “KEEP, SELL, and DONATE.
List every single item you need or want. When budgeting be realistic. We all want the newest shiny thing until we get a load of the prices. Sticker shock gets you every time….
The SELL part is one of my favorites. Do you know why? Yep, it lowers that Budget total…. I feel like I am getting FREE stuff…….
Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter you almost go into inspiration overload. Be careful, it is addicting. One very important thing to be looking for is that the rooms you look at have similarities to yours (i.e. size, shape, doors, windows).
Here I completed my likes for the Bedroom and some Items I already have. That is another way of saving money Shop Your House move things around from one room to another… repurpose that Decor. Think outside of the box, be creative take an item that is maybe meant for the kitchen can it be used in another room vice versa. Why yes it can….
Click on any Image to be Taken to the Product.
Don’t get it because again Pinterest is our new best friend. Do you remember the HGTV show called HIGH & LOW Project with Sabrina Soto?
Scenario: Client had a budget and a dream room and then reality. Sabrina shopped until she finds similar items for weigh weigh less. Rooms of your dreams…Really Really Do Come True. In this case, you will have to be Sabrina, unless your budget allows for an interior designer.
Budgeting is the most important thing to do, and to have an idea as to what’s important and needs to be done versus what you think I’ll like per day.
I would love to be like many of the DIYers in many of the Blogs I subscribe to, but I must admit that I know enough to know when I don’t know enough…. LOL. These gals blow me away with how talented they are. Know your limits and try what you can and when in doubt…. BUY. Save yourself angst and disappointment. Again, Refer to #1 Budget.
The hardest part is the W A I T I N G! I would have said also looking in stores but with the social distancing we will have to rely online shopping.
Because of shipping times, it is important to order as soon as you are satisfied with your layout, colors and overall feel you get looking at your Mood Board (Pinterest).
I don’t have a lot of experience with online furniture, but I have recently shopped Wayfair and I was pleased with the ordering and the shipping time (around 2 weeks out). That was good for me because I need to clear out the room (see #1 KEEP, SELL or DONATE) Believe me “purging does the soul good”.
If this is not an option, you will need to get your items ready to:
KEEP (either in that room or another within the home).
SELL (FB Marketplace) is an excellent outlet to accomplish this task.
DONATE Make an area in your Garage or some place that you can store things so that when you are ready to have someone pick them up or you are bringing to a Donation Center p..everything is easily accessible.
Paint the room or do any repairs or updates before your items arrive. Hang your drapes, blinds etc. Get most of all the things done that you can so you have a nice clean slate for those new items.
This is what is on the drawing board. Complementary colors for accent wall and adjoining bathroom.
SW 3477 Repose Grey
SW 7008 Alabaster
SW 7025 Backdrop
Choosing paint colors along with the other things going on in the room I understand it can be a difficult task as well. Choosing your paint color that you would like and will withstand changing of furniture, drapery, flooring, etc. is quite the challenge. Pick a color (s) that you’re comfortable. She has it in complementary colors. Text Home as well. Remember you will be in the bedroom 365 days out of the year. Do you really like it particular color.
Happy Decorating and Updating…….
Thanks again for being a part of The City Cottage family. I love when we can visit together.
Until next time….
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