Becoming A New Kitty Mom: A New Journey
Are You Adjusting to a New Kitty – Are you struggling with the challenges of integrating a new pet into your home, managing behavior, creating routines, and understanding your pet’s needs. This Post will help put you mind at ease.
Did you know that 46% of all American households “own” at least one cat?
Living with a Kitty, she is a wonderful companion and she sure has helped to reduce my stress level when she snuggles up next to me when I am Working. But it was certainly a lifestyle change and a “learning experience”. What food will she eat, where shall she eat, what toys to give her to keep her entertained and active. Lastly this whole “Litter Box” Mystery. You might be asking yourself where is there a mystery in the litter box. WELL let me tell you, take a seat and join me for “The day and the life of being “SASSY’S” Mom..
First off, I am a perfectionist, “Hello, my name is Patty and I am a perfectionist”. All I seemed to be seeing was, clutter and confusion. The process of elimination was grueling…. I was reading a Blog Post the other day by, Camille Styles. She is a Content Creator and Entrepreneur of Casa Zuma.
“If there’s anything I’ve learned as a recovering perfectionist (who relapses every now and then), it’s that perfectionism is the enemy of innovation, creativity, and productivity.”
When our expectations of ourselves don’t align with reality, nothing matches up. It keeps us in a pattern of hesitation—we worry that what we’re doing isn’t good enough, and we second-guess ourselves before even trying.
If you’re tired of the back-and-forth between yourself and your inner critic, try repeating this affirmation when you feel perfectionism creeping in:
“I am not defined by what I achieve. I am already and always enough”.
Mom, Where’s the Bathroom
First and foremost, the litter box I thought she would love and made my life easy was a definite, was a big fat NO. it had sides on it and an opening she would not go in. So that one went back and now what? After alot of research, for both her and I….I chose one that was easy to keep clean and that she would get in and out of and we compromised it has short sides on it. There are many to choose from from the most expensive to just a plain plastic tub. The really fancy ones seem to be very popular. They have a lot of bells and whistles. So you will not lack product to choose from .So that was one down and many more to go.
Here Are Some From My Search
Where Do I Eat, Mom?
And first I had no idea where I was going to put her food and what I was going to feed her. So I’ve made some mistakes sitting here correcting and I’m sharing them with you now.First off,, I had her food next to her litter box. “Say What .” I know what you’re thinking, that’s a big no-no. I then remembered a expression, “You Don’t Eat Where You Poop” . I cannot imagine me going in the bathroom and eating so why would I expect my new kitty to do that. So, after careful consideration, I found her a nice cozy spot in the laundry room. She loves it and it is definitely the best thing I could have done.
Mom, Hurry Up I Am Hungry A G A I N…
Being a Home Decor Blogger, you guessed it had to be pretty, go with my decor and be practical. Revisit to Amazon again, I was using a cute and clever water bottle and dish shaped like a kitty. It all cleverly snapped together.. “how stinking cute is that”. Wrong, it was a pain in the butt. I was filling it all the time… Why didn’t I think of this? Self feeding bowls. What a marvelous idea. Who knew? so now those are in place. Let me tell you there were so many to choose from from simple to automated with an app, whatever your fancy they have it. I was searching for good product, affordable, and fast delivery delivery. Oh, I almost forgot I always check out how many stars it has and the reviews before I choose any product on Amazon. if you’re not doing that, you really need to start. It’s a game changer. Less returns.
Playtime and Those Claws
Yes, entertainment. She had toys that had come from the shelter, where I had adopted her, so those are a definite keepers. But what else would keep her busy and active. I was told about a laser lights. On Amazon again, this little gadget has kept her entertained for different periods of time during the day. Some of the places that I make her go to and jump are the funniest things. She even chases her own too and believe me that is the funniest thing. She gets all upset when I start laughing. I also had to address my furniture or some sort of aid to Prevent her from sharpening her nails on the Corners of my furniture. I goes to get a simple scratching pole. I was not sure if she would use it, and I probably will upgrade it as she gets a little bit older. There are many to choose from from the simple one. I got to complete houses. They have everything you need or you think you need, L O L.
NEW “Cat” Smell
Here is the Scenario, a neighbor stops by for a Chat and as soon as steps one foot into my home, she replies: “oh you have a cat!” She didn’t even know I had a cat. I asked her, how did you know. Her reply shocked me, “I could smell her as soon as you opened the door! Say What, I don’t smell anything. See the thing is we become a custom to smells. We don’t know it until somebody knew and fresh enters her home. Keep that in mind,
So again back online. I read some reviews about ways of keeping her home, smelling fresh, even if you do have animals. After searching several options, What I thought was best for me and my situation,. I purchased a automatic Aromatherapy. _______ on Amazon. It’s pretty nifty. It only requires one AA battery. It does the job and you can set it for different spray streams. The last thing I wanted is to have my guest enter the front door and say “oh you have a cat”. Leaving her wonderful fragrance was not an option.
What About My Carpets?
I had forgotten one last thing, this is because I am a new Mom. What about my wall-to-wall carpeting all through my New Apartment? So, I reviewed several powders that you can place on your rug and then vacuum. Many have different fragrances or none if you so choose. I chose the simple fragrance Arm&Hammer Pet Fresh . I will change that as the Seasons change.
I cannot vacuum, bad back, so I purchased a Rumba Robot. He is named Ivan the Terrible. He is my new best friend. My rugs have never looked better and my back thanks him every time he vacuums. He is so easy to use and is app friendly. It tells you everything; when the filter needs to be changed, when the basket is full, and lastly, when he is low on battery charge. Back to his tiny home charger he goes… if you are considering a Rumba Robot, believe me you won’t regret it. Oh BTW, he and Sassy have fun…she “chases” he leads.
Well, I want to thank you for taking this journey with me as a NEW Kitty Mom. As I write this blog post Sassy is sitting next to me making sure that I am saying all the correct things. What would I do without her?
P.S. Don’t be a bit surprised if you see additional blog posts on my “Adventures as a Kitty Mom”.
“Bringing Sassy home has been such a rewarding experience, but I quickly learned that not every product was a hit. What worked best for us made her more comfortable and our days smoother. I hope these suggestions help you as you welcome your own kitty or puppy or your already Fur Baby into your home. Every cat is unique, but with a little patience and the right essentials, you’ll find what makes your Fur Baby happiest!”
“I’d love to hear from you! Have you recently welcomed a new kitty into your home? Share your favorite tips, tricks, or must-have products in the comments below. Let’s help each other make this journey even more purr-fect!”
Before You Go
As always, I appreciate your visit, comments, and shares here on the blog! I’d love it if you also follow along with me on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook so you won’t miss any of my inspiration and ideas.
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